Registration Fees
Early Birds
Birds On Time
AUD$ 995
AUD$ 1095
AUD$ 650
AUD$ 750
Day rate for one day
AUD$ 600
AUD$ 700
Accompanying family member
AUD$ 400
AUD$ 500
Online Presentation via ZOOM
AUD$ 250
AUD$ 300
Conference Dinner
AUD$ 130
AUD$ 130
Additional Paper
AUD$ 350
AUD$ 350
Registration fees include conference materials, lunch, refreshments, admission to all sessions, and conference dinner (for full delegate registration and student registration). An extra dinner ticket can be purchased for $130 per person.
- International delegates and international students from countries with a per capita GDP of less than US$ 10,000 (World Bank, 2014) will receive a discount of $100 on the registration fee.
- To use the student registration rate, the student needs to provide his/her supervisor's contact information in registration.